*descripción empresa*:somos una empresa 100% mexicana con más de 25 años de experiência en conectar el talento con las empresas.
*funciones del cargo*:empresa metal mecánica de equipo de refrigeración solicitamaterial managerubicación monterrey, nl*job description*:- responsible for the managing and control of material requirements within the production facility.- managing a team of buyer/expeditors to manage the demands of inventory in line with customer demandsmajor accountability- responsible for managing the materials organization.- responsible for managing the buyer/planners to ensure the timely receipt of materials to support an efficient manufacturing operation.- responsible for delivering key kpi's for this position include but are not limited to; safety, on time and complete - supplier, on time and complete - customer, asset utilization - inventory and pcto.- supporting supplier activity and negotiations in partnership with strategic supply chain function.key tasks and responsibilities1.
responsible for managing the buyer/planners to ensure inventory is available to meet manufacturing demand while maximize inventory turns and minimizing inventory carrying cost.2.
coordinate with the buyer/planners and suppliers to resolve cost issues, delivery issues, quality issues and invoice hold issues to ensure material is available for efficient manufacturing.3.
support supplier negotiations through coordination with the buyer/planners and the supply chain director.4.
provide leadership to direct reports to identify and implement cost reductions.5.
provide leadership to buyer/planners to maintain item master in oracle and provide finance with cost information as required.6.
manage the materials budget.specialised skills, knowledge and abilities- bachelor degree in business administration; masters degree in a related field is a plus; lean experience is required; - six sigma experience is highly desirable; experience in oracle erp system highly desirable; experience in min-max,*location*: monterrey, nl*salary*: $70,000 mxp per month*requisitos*:ingles avanzadocarrera profesional tituladogerente de materiales*condiciones oferta*:*descripción proceso de selección*:el proceso de selección se realiza a través de aira - plataforma de reclutamiento diseñado para mejorar tu experiência de postulación.te invito a participar en este proceso y si estas interesado te pido por favor postularte en esta vacante:2.
ingresar a aira y contestar las preguntas sobre tu experiência laboral3.
revisar tu mail para seguimiento de tu postulación.luego, si vemos que tu perfil se ajusta a lo que estamos buscando, te contactaremos por mail (a través de aira) para avanzar con tu proceso de selección y entrevista.recuerda es importante nos compartas tu información completa para que avances a las siguientes etapas.