*pu*rpose* of the position*ensure the quality of the product sent to ametek aerospace reynosa clients through control activities implementation, assurance of quality, follow up on the client's procedures and specifications that help to compliance the client and company quality expectations.
*responsibilities*carry out the final inspection activities according to quality standard procedures, and applicable work instructions, against specifications and drawings by client and ametek.do source inspections activities such as dsqr, dqr, dprv, dip, vip, and those in which it applies according to the client's requirements.carry out activities related to product inspection and measurement equipment such as cmm, optical comparator, and/or vision systems.maintain in force the certifications of source inspections on every one of the clients with whom the certification has been achieved.develop and/or update of inspection documents with the support of the area responsible a quality engineer.notify the relevant production supervisors in case of finding non conformant products during final and source inspections activities.identify and segregate non conformant or suspect finish good identified during inspections.support to do functionals and visual finish good evaluations to determine conformance or non-conformance to applicable specifications and requirements.support to production areas in the evaluation of materials designated as ''scrap'' from suppliers to determine the final disposition of itself.ensure the documentation and follow up on process controls by production personnel through process and first piece audits according to related procedures and work instructions.support in the acceptance and rejection criteria establishment for processes and products under your charge (first samples, samples, visual references, etc.)
based on manufacture's standards and client's requirements.support in the generation and maintenance of quality tools and data recollection that helps the departments for identification, follow up and removal of major quality problems identified in the process (ex.
rejection and control graphics).ensure compliance and implementation of changes or quality certification implemented in the process lines under your charge.coordination and participation in the implementation and maintenance activities of the company's quality system.take actions that prevent the occurrence of discrepancies related to product, process, and quality system, including production shutdowns when it requires.control the non-conformance or discrepant product processing, sending or disposition until the deficiency or non-conformant condition may be corrected.represent our client's needs in internal functions that may be required by norm as9100.analyze daily opportunities to take practical solutions.consult with different departments matters out of the normal process.communicate pertinent issues to all areas involved