*compliance officer*
monitor and analyze the operational behavior of unlimit's clients, as well as the operations performed by employees. Describe the procedures followed by the personnel responsible for anti-money laundering (aml) and counter-terrorism financing (ctf) prevention in the exercise of their duties, and, if necessary, establish the formats they should use in the various activities they carry out.
*job profile*:
- *experience*: at least 3 years in executive positions in the area of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing prevention, preferably in the financial sector, with knowledge of business operations, auditing, risk management, and internal control.
- *education*: bachelor’s degree in economic-administrative areas, law, or related fields.
- *knowledge*: knowledge of the mexican financial sector in sofipos, local regulations, and proficiency in office software.
- *training*: certification in anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing prevention issued by the cnbv (current certificate required).
- *desirable characteristics*: any gender, ability to work under pressure and in teams, integrity, honesty, dedication, commitment, and proficiency in office software.
- *english proficiency*: advanced.
*supervisory functions*:
- verify the correct execution of the measures adopted by the committee, exercising the powers provided in article 46 of the applicable aml/ctf provisions for popular financial societies (sofipos).
- other activities outlined in unlimit’s policies and procedures manuals.
*execution functions*:
- implement policies and processes within the entity during the pre-operational stage (before operations begin).
- prepare and submit for the consideration of the communication and control committee the manual referred to in the aml/ctf provisions, containing policies for identifying and knowing clients and users, as well as the criteria, measures, and procedures adopted to comply with these provisions.
- inform the communication and control committee about behaviors, activities, or actions by executives, officials, employees, or representatives of unlimit that may result in violations of the law or aml/ctf provisions, as well as any violations of the aml/ctf policies and procedures manual, so that appropriate disciplinary measures can be taken.
- notify the communication and control committee about contracts entered into by unlimit that may pose high risks to the company.
- coordinate both the monitoring of operations and any investigations that need to be conducted at the institutional level, ensuring that the communication and control committee has the necessary information to assess whether the operations should be classified as unusual or concerning internal operations.
For the purposes mentioned in the previous policy, the compliance officer ensures that alerts have been analyzed and investigations properly documented.
- submit to the secretariat, through the commission, reports of operations referred to in the aml/ctf provisions, as well as any urgent cases, and inform the communication and control committee at its next meeting.
- define the characteristics, content, and scope of training programs for unlimit staff as outlined in the aml/ctf provisions.
- receive and verify that unlimit responds, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, to requests for information and documentation, as well as orders for asset freezing or unfreezing issued by the relevant authorities in prevention, investigation, prosecution, and sanctioning of activities that could fall under the provisions of articles 139 quater or 400 bis of the federal penal code. Ensure that unlimit has the proper procedures in place to ensure compliance with requirements related to blocked persons within the aml/ctf provisions.
- serve as a liaison between the communication and control committee, the secretariat, and the commission regarding aml/ctf matters.
- ensure that the responsible area directly receives and follows up on notices from unlimit employees and officials about events and actions that may be considered unusual transactions or concerning internal operations.
- define the characteristics, content, and scope of the training programs for unlimit staff as referred to in article 52 of the aml/ctf provisions.
- perform other activities outlined in the unlimit policies and procedures manuals, as well as in the aml/ctf provisions.
Please submit you resume in english.
Work location: in person