Evaluator of the strengthening legal representation of workers and trade unions in mexico projectgrant award no: cangov-6239357
project:strengthening legal representation of workers and trade unions in mexicotype:midterm evaluationpurpose:the purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the activities implemented by the project towards the achievement of desired outcomes.primary methodology:outcome harvestingperiod of performance:the mid-term evaluation will cover 18 months (november 2023 – april 2025)background the american bar association rule of law initiative (aba roli) was created in 1990 as an aba public service project to promote the rule of law around the world and has launched legal reform programs in more than 100 countries.
aba roli's expertise in training serves as a core strength of our capacity to address the problem presented.
throughout more than 20 years of experience in latin america, we have supported several countries, including colombia, el salvador, haiti, panama, perú, and mexico, in the implementation of large-scale legal reforms, including the use of adr mechanisms and trial advocacy.
since the enactment of the 2019 labor reform, mexico's federal labor defense attorney's office, state labor defense attorney's offices, and the federal public defender's institute have been responsible for providing free labor advice and legal representation to workers and unions under the new labor justice system.
this reform transformed the labor justice system into an oral-based system, requiring specialized litigation skills.
in 2023, with the support of the government of canada, aba roli launched the strengthening legal representation of workers and trade unions in mexico program.
this program aims to enhance the protection of workers' rights through capacity-building initiatives and multi-stakeholder dialogues.
the objectives of the project are: improve the legal advice and representation provided to workers by labor justice institutions in selected mexican states.improve access to labor justice services by trade unions seeking to assert their collective bargaining rights in selected mexican states.evaluation purpose, scope and objectives: the purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the activities implemented by the project towards the achievement of desired outcomes.
the evaluation objectives are as follows:
assess the relevance of the implemented activities by the project towards the achievement of the desired outcomes.assess the effectiveness of the project's implementation strategy towards the achievement of the desired outcomes.identify lessons learned, good practices, and recommendations for the next phase of the project.evaluation questions and methodology: what are the observed changes in behaviors, relationships, practices, and/or policies reported by the program's beneficiaries and other stakeholders in the judiciary system since the start of the project?What key lessons learned, strengths, and opportunity areas have emerged from project implementation?To what extent is the project design and strategy aligned with the needs of stakeholders and local context?Professional qualifications, experience and expertise required for the evaluation consultant: proven experience performing evaluations with the outcome harvesting methodology.experience in the use of mixed methods for evaluation of social policies, programs, and/or projects.experience in data collection, analysis, interpretation, and visualization using mixed methods.excellent writing and reporting skills.fluent in english, with spanish as a native tongue.desirable: knowledge of the mexican judiciary system and the latest reforms.