Site sales engineer
importante: esta posición requiere viajar todas las semanas con los clientes, es decir estar fuera de casa la mayor parte del tiempo.
importante tener inglés ya que las oficinas regionales se encuentran en salt lake c., ut, estados unidos y los clientes suelen ser extranjeros.
main function of this position is to be in touch with flsmidth customers to provide support regarding any requirement they need or might need in a near future.
- prepare and deliver presentations that explain products or services to customers and prospectives, covering technical, operation and metallurgistical information
- colaborate with all mine departaments and support them
- confer with customers, operators, managers ato assess equipment needs and to determine system requirements
- secure and renew orders and arrange delivery
- plan and modify products to meet customer needs
- help clients solve problems with installed equipment
- recommend improved materials or machinery to customers, showing how changes will lower costs or increase production.