-job description
identify new companies to increase the number of payroll through maintaining and having a close relationship with the main commercial segments (gb, mme, e&m, bb, llc, re, isb and rbwm)
responsible for the coordination of the different activities and strategies to increase the cross-selling of products through company fairs and coordination with the branch network, as well as having a special control to retain the companies of their assigned team to generate the strategies of sales and retention of hsbc payroll, proposal, monitoring and control of implementations to new companies through the correct execution of operational and commercial activities.
main responsibilities
- establish and implement business strategies for the acquisition and retention of payroll in key segments such as: global banking, corporate: mme e&m, lc, re, isb, gob and business banking.
- increase the number of net payroll-holders with current and new companies.
- develop and implement initiatives for the retention of payroll at risk
- coordinate the customer service team, trade shows and implementation
- implement strategies that ensure the level of service and conditions in
payroll for key segments and services (pcm, atm)
- financial analysis of payroll profitability.
cost-benefit analysis of attracting payroll, as well as installation of atms, modules, improvement of conditions, etc.
- ensure the profitability of the payroll-holders of the assigned portfolio, through x-sell campaigns
clients / shareholders
- generate optimal product delivery processes to companies
- attention to business clients, resolution of doubts and problems
- protect the equity of the shareholders, acting with the values of the institution.
leadership and teamwork
- give feedback to the members of the area in relation to the areas of opportunity detected in their processes.
- teamwork with the different directors of the business and corporate segments
- ensure that the strategies generated by the team are properly implemented and are effective for the business.
- 3 years of experience in sales of financial services to business clients
- knowledge of the payroll product
- analysis focused on detecting opportunities for improvement in processes
- decision making in operational and commercial problems
- generation of strategies to increase profitability and service levels
- leadership and team management
- knowledge of products, processes and services related to the attention of payroll companies.
- knowledge in economic-administrative areas.
- superior skills in negotiation and sales
- work under pressure with internal and external clients
- teamwork skills and interdisciplinary groups
- advanced english
en hsbc esperamos que nuestra gente se trate con dignidad y respeto, creando una cultura incluyente que promueva igualdad de oportunidades.
nuestros valores definen quiénes somos como organización y lo que nos distingue, valoramos la diferencia, avanzamos juntos, nos hacemos responsables de nuestras acciones, usamos el buen juicio, hacemos lo correcto y hacemos que las cosas sucedan.
en hsbc nos encontramos orientados a garantizar la igualdad de género y capacitación constante hacia nuestros empleados, así como a la protección de sus derechos laborarles y sociales.
"en hsbc ofrecemos a nuestros colegas un mayor número de días para que puedan disfrutar al máximo su boda, cuidar al nuevo integrante de la familia, o vivir el duelo por la pérdida de algún familiar.
nuestro paquete de permisos con goce de sueldo está a la vanguardia en méxico.
ahora tienes una razón más para ser hsbc y vivir con orgullo una cultura de bienestar integral, balance y auto cuidado".