*description du poste*:analysis, identification, implementation and monitoring actions and opportunities to contribute to reduce engine cost during shop visit and maintenance programs, by coordinating and executing multidisciplinary projects and action plans to ensure cost, delivery and quality.
*description compl?Mentaire*:- follow engine workscope extensions (wse) cfm/leap, share information and kpi's with safran network as well as propose and implement action plans to avoid wse.- challenge vendor analysis to stick to original quotations of engine parts or propose alternatives, according to customer requests and oem specifications.- perform scrap rates analysis and set up actions to improve it.- capitalize actions to reduce costs through scrap and status "remove from service" parts.- develop technical-economical cost reduction projects, focus to avoid cost and improve quality process-product adhering to the company strategy.- analyse external and internal availability of repairs that can contribute to reduce cost, increase capability and communicate results with engineering teams.- elaborate engine condition reports and/or shop finding reports.- report cost avoidance and follow up kpi's about saving parts and workscope.- ensure piece parts projects closing on time with cost tracker (8r close gate) and follow action plans after shop visit closing (gate 5).- propose table inspections or full condition mapping analysis accomplishing new proposal repairs, new extensions of criteria or opportunities to save parts.- work with materials review boards and design office to detect parts shortages or piece parts damages, create an action plan and propose recovery projects.- investigate root causes associated to high cost or non-quality cost in piece parts.
*exigences du poste*: mechanical / aeronautical / industrial / mechatronic engineer and/or work experience approved by the line manager in activities related to the- work in team, negotiation, analytical thinking, project follow-up, ease of oral and written communication.- project administration.- power bi*sp?Cificit? Du travail*:if requiredsafran est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de l'aéronautique (propulsion, équipements et intérieurs), de l'espace et de la défense.
sa mission : contribuer durablement à un monde plus sûr, où le transport aérien devient toujours plus respectueux de l'environnement, plus confortable et plus accessible.
implanté sur tous les continents, le groupe emploie 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 23,2 milliards d'euros en 2023, et occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés.
safran s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui préservent les priorités environnementales de sa feuille de route d'innovation technologique