The north american, central american and caribbean (nacc) office is primarily responsible for maintaining continuous liaison with the states to which it is accredited and with appropriate organizations, regional civil aviation bodies and sub regional bodies and un agencies and programmes operating in the region.
the regional office ensures interregional coordination and promotes the timely and harmonized implementation of icao strategic objectives, policies and decisions, within the context of global and regional plans.
the regional office also provides technical guidance and assists states with implementation of standards and recommended practices (sarps).
the regional director serves as the representative of the secretary general to states to which the regional office is accredited; develops and leads the implementation of the work programme for the regional office, in coordination with bureaus/offices at headquarters; provides technical advice and assistance to states on the development and implementation of regional planning framework for all the strategic objectives of the organization; and coordinates the delivery of icao programme activities within the region in collaboration with states, and regional and sub-regional groups.
the regional director is responsible for the promotion and follow-up of technical cooperation and technical assistance activities in the region.
the regional director leads the programme team, inspiring it to translate the regional and country goals into locally adapted solutions and results in line with the overall global plans, strategies and objectives of the organization.
function 1 (incl.
expected results)
serves as representative of the secretary general within the region, achieving results such as:
- promote icao's views and interests and ensure the successful implementation of the organization's mandate and objectives within the region.
- actively lead regional initiatives and promote regional technical cooperation and assistance projects aimed at supporting a safe, efficient, secure, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible civil aviation system, including the regional implementation of global covid-19 recovery initiatives to support aviation's restart and recovery.
- act as secretary to regional group meetings and coordinate regional programmes dealing with aviation safety, air navigation capacity and efficiency, aviation security and facilitation, environmental protection, and air transport development and related initiatives; participate in high-level meetings dealing with civil aviation and other matters relevant to the work of the icao regional office.
- coordinate and follow up on visits to states by the secretary general and/or president of the icao council, and provide advice, briefing notes, matters for discussion, expected outcomes, and other supporting information.
function 2 (incl.
expected results)
supports the implementation of the icao global aviation safety plan (gasp), global air navigation plan (ganp), global aviation security plan (gasep), and the "no country left behind" initiative, achieving results such as:
- provide strategic advice and assistance to high level authorities in member states in the implementation of global aviation safety, security and facilitation, and air navigation capacity and efficiency plans, giving high priority to those states with significant safety concerns (sscs), significant security concerns (ssecs) and deficiencies.
- develop state-specific icao plans of action in relation to aviation safety, aviation security and facilitation, and environment-related issues, and follow up on their implementation by states.
- cooperate and coordinate with other partners providing technical assistance in the region.
- support states in the implementation of icao sarps; coordinate required assistance for states, including related training activities, in coordination with the global aviation training (gat) section under the technical cooperation bureau.
- collaborate with bureaus at headquarters on the execution of activities related to aviation safety, air navigation, and aviation security and facilitation, at the regional and national levels, including the identification and implementation of new products and projects in support of the "no country left behind" initiative and the icao policy on implementation support provided to states.
function 3 (incl.
expected results)
provides strategic policy advice and guidance on icao programmes in the region, achieving results such as:
- make strategic recommendations on the technical support needs of states in the region.
- progressively develop the safety, air navigation, and aviation security systems in the region.
- coordinate oversight of continuous monitoring activities in the region and technical support planning and evaluation missions.
- deliver expert contributions to policy development and evaluation of programme activitie