*médicos sin fronteras en méxico a.c.*
*gestor/a de actividades de salud reproductiva*
para integrarse a su equipo en:
*reynosa, tamaulipas - proyecto *de atención humanitaria a migrantes en reynosa y matamoros.
médicos sin fronteras, msf, es una organización médico humanitaria de carácter internacional que aporta su ayuda a poblaciones en situación precaria y a víctimas de catástrofes de origen natural o humano y de conflictos armados, sin discriminación por raza, religión o ideología política.
msf está presente en más de 72 países, con cerca de 465 proyectos en marcha.
contamos con más de 6.3 millones de socios y colaboradores en todo el mundo y nos avalan más de 50 años de experiência en acción médica y humanitaria.
la labor de msf fue reconocida por el premio nobel de la paz en 1999.
*main purpose*:
defining, coordinating, monitoring all midwife and maternity related activities in a project area, according to *msf* policies, protocols and standards in order to provide a high quality mother and child health (mch) care to the population.
*specific objectives for the position.
- plan and organize with the project pmr the implementation of strategies focused on improving sexual and reproductive health care activities: prenatal and postnatal care, family planning, obstetric care (bemonc1), neonatal and comprehensive abortion care, management of victims of sexual violence, and reproductive tract infections.
- create a standard operating procedure to strengthen the evaluation of pregnant patients and improve with the medical team the feasibility of referrals to the second level, promote a more comprehensive medical evaluation, in order to efficiently manage the resources needed to provide mch care and at the same time maintain a good level of quality.
ensure referral of all pregnant women and newborns to the expanded program on immunization (epi).
- provide technical support in srh to the field doctor and nurse when needed (normal or complicated deliveries, vs cases, prep cases etc.
), integrate into clinical activities to complement existing human resources and contribute to the resolution of complicated cases.
ensure proper follow-up of newborn babies from delivery to medical discharge.
- oversee the technical side of the implementation of protocols by all staff and report to the pmr, in order to improve the quality of health care provided to the population and prevent infections due to staff negligence.
- propose to the pmr improvements in administrative procedures and documents, analyze routine data for monitoring purposes, be responsible for reporting on srh activities (collection and analysis of medical statistics), and participate in epidemiological reports related to health facilities in the project area and monthly reports according to guidelines, in order to have accurate and updated information on daily activity in the project that support decision making.
- inform mobham in the field or pmr if necessary of any potentially serious problems or complications (i.e.
worsening health of patients, problems with medicines, etc.
).work together with the pharmacy manager and the pmr of the project, review the correct distribution of srh drugs and the use of materials, consumption trends according to the context and proposal of supply orders, as well as train the clinic staff, in order to ensure a technical quality level in the project and a rational and correct use of material resources.
*msf section/context specific accountabilities*
- strengthen technical capacities in the placement and removal of implants and iuds, prescription of oral contraceptives and injectables.
reinforce the messages of promotion of family planning methods in the clinic and mobile activities of the project, working on a proposal to the pmr and implementing it with the mobhams.
- develop an algorithm for the indication of fp sayanna press in the migrant population.
- create a proposal according to the migratory and cultural context for active case finding for sv, sti and top.
- review with the pmr the approach to stis, identify areas for improvement and strengthen medical capacities through planned trainings.
- review with the pmr and update the circuits included in the top standard operating procedure document.
- execute the risk analysis and top mitigation measures with the pmr and pc of the project and include them in the final document.
- strengthen the technical capacities of the medical component for a comprehensive approach to ensure attention to top requests, planning a training program with the pmr and mobham.
* srh activities include: antenatal and postnatal care, family planning, obstetrical care (bemonc 1) neonatal and comprehensive abortion care, management of victims of sexual violence, female genital mutilation, reproductive tract infections.note*:2.
* bemonc = basic emergency obstetric and neonatal care = administration of antibiotics, oxyto