Ningún apoyo económico por reubicación
136137 - guadalajara, jalisco, méxico
to develop and support the partnership between cp and an account, helping to synchronize our category strategies and the account ́s shopper strategies to increase demand and account support for our profitable growth. Ensure we get our products into the store, off the shelf, and into the home of our consumers cost effectively and more efficiently than our competition.
*account expertise*
- develop a thorough understanding of the values, strategies and policies of the account and anticipate future direction and needs
- identify the business needs of buyers and help develop and sell proactive business solutions across the full supply chain with the objectives of gross margin improvement, or operating expense and inventory reduction
- develop a network of contacts throughout the organization in order to influence all decision points, improve understanding and increase data accesss: buying, merchandising, marketing, inventory control, distribution and transportation, and store operations.
*business planning & negotiation*
- execute account investment strategy, ensuring we pay only for performance, targeting investment to consumer activities, minimizing erosion of selling prices, and achieving good return on investment
- ensure preparation of negotiation plans for all major meetings, deflecting attention away from solely price and gross to net investment and into more value added and mutually beneficial issues and services: supply chain efficiency, promotion effectiveness, in-stock situation, packaging, shopper insights, abc costing, category management, account-specific events, exhibitions etc
- coordinate preparation with customer marketing and ensure timely delivery of tailored category presentations which combine shopper-insight based category, brand and account strategies, to help achieve cp ́s business priorities
- attend regular formal meetings of cross-functional team to review kpis, issues and action plans
- conduct quarterly meetings with accounts to review business performance vs. plan
*category/account analysis: issue and opportunity identification*
- review business and customer service performance on a daily basis, track sales on a weekly basis, and prepare monthly reports of variation vs. plan: shipment volume and sales, consumption, gtn, on time and complete etc and act on key observations
*trade promotion planning, execution and evaluation*
- coordinate development and planning of account-specific instore events with customer marketing
- coordinate communication and training of salesmen and merchandisers to ensure excellent execution of all promotional activity
- track timing, depth, and skus involved in all cp and competitive promotions to build up history of account activity
- ensure post-evaluation of all promotion activity for accounts in promopower format, support with qualitative commentary, and communicate results to consumer marketing
- use results of promotion evaluations to revise account tactics
*new products/special packs*
- deliver high quality presentations on new products on time and ensure rapid sell-in.
- communicate status to customer marketing weekly until full distribution achieved/quota exhausted
*category management*
- share responsibility for pushing our category management offering
- participate in multifunctional team developing best practice category templates
- request merchandising support from category management group and ensure excellence of execution instore
*shelf management*
- develop strong understanding of account merchandising policies at store and shelf level, identify opportunities to improve cp sales through improvement in category location, category/brand display, product availability and consumer communication
- ensure effective execution of all brand strategies, tactics and targets within the account within business plan spending guidelines
- ensure “winning at the shelf” is a top priority for the account team and instore staff, establish processes and review on a weekly basis share of shelf/exhibitions, out of stocks, compliance with merchandising guidelines and resolve any issues with sales operations and customer marketing
- monitor account compliance with both regular and promotional pricing strategies
- pre-evaluate all investments to ensure they are financially viable and are aligned with channel/account strategy
- maintain accurate spending projections by category
- coordinate weekly meetings with credit control department to review status and resolve issues with days outstanding
*competitive activity*
- monitor competitive activity and feed back recommended actions to customer mktg and field sales mgt
*product availability*
- work with customer service ensure product is available in the relevant warehouse when the order is placed
- monitor account inventory levels where possible to anticipate custo