Ability to develop, manage and execute environmental projects that promote sustainability within the organization.
Soft skills
leadership and communication:
ability to lead multidisciplinary teams, influence different levels of the organization and effectively communicate complex technical issues.
Problem solving and critical thinking:
ability to analyze complicated environmental situations and propose sustainable and effective solutions.
Commitment to sustainability:
passion for sustainability and commitment to implementing policies and actions that benefit the environment in the long term.
Adaptability and continuous learning:
ability to stay up to date on trends, innovations and regulations in environmental matters.
An environmental manager is essential to align the company's objectives with social and environmental responsibility, promoting a more sustainable organizational culture
tipo de puesto: tiempo completo, por tiempo indeterminado
sueldo: $47,000.00 - $50,000.00 al mes
- aumentos salariales
- caja de ahorro
- estacionamiento de la empresa
- seguro de gastos médicos mayores
- seguro de vida
- uniformes gratuitos
- vales de despensa
pago complementario:
- bono anual
- bono de productividad
tipo de jornada:
- diurno
- lunes a viernes
- turno de 10 horas
lugar de trabajo: empleo presencial