Texhong textile group limited (hk 2678) was founded in 1997. The group is principally engaged in the production and distribution of quality yarn, grey fabrics and garment fabrics, especially of high value-added core-spun yarn and fashion cotton têxtiles. Now it is one of the largest core cotton têxtile suppliers in the world and is a leading têxtile enterprise with focus on manufacturing high value-added core-spun cotton têxtile products.1. Competente en imss, infonavit, fonacot2. Competente en la operación de nómina prenomina, nomina3. Conoce las leyes laborales mexicanas4. Comprender el proceso de contratación de nuevos empleadosofrecemos:1-prestaciones basicos de ley2-dias trabajados:lunes a sabato 8:30-17:303-periodo de prueba:3 meces4-ingles es un plus