Primary focus is to plan and perform complex audits.
independently assesses the quality and condition of controls; reports findings and makes recommendations as to the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization's system of internal control.
conducts audits in accordance with internal audit standards, corporate policies and procedures, contractual terms and conditions, and other regulatory requirements.
contributes to building brand value and achieving enduring profitable growth.
*key responsibilities*:
senior auditor is the person in charge of carrying out the internal audits with the different areas of the company.
senior auditor is responsible for conducting and executing the audits in accordance with the annual audit plan, taking into consideration the general internal control standards and internal and external auditing standards; as well as other applicable legal provisions.
main strategic functions:
- ensure the adequate execution of the assignments.
- identify irregularities in the business and support processes of the company, generating a timely report to mitigate losses in case of finding deviations.
main execution functions:
- support the senior and/or junior internal audit manager in conducting audits.
- prepare the "memorandum" to the audited areas, on the general aspects of the audit.
- convene directors and all the personnel involved to the "kick off" meeting that marks the beginning of the audits.
- schedule the process understanding interviews with each process owner of the areas to be audited.
- carry out the walkthroughs with the process owners for understanding of the process.
- document everything observed during the walkthrough
- design the tests applicable to the process to be audited and submit them for review and approval of the senior and/or junior manager of internal audit.
- prepare and send the list of requirements to the process owners so that the processes can be tested.
- follow-up on the receipt of evidence requested to the process owners.
- execute tests on audited processes.
- inform the audited personnel about the findings detected in the processes.
- manage the reception and analysis of the supporting documentation that can justify the findings identified in the process audit.
- prepare the draft of the audit report, which includes the results of the audits carried out on the processes.
- schedule a meeting with the directors of the audited areas and those involved in the audit to review the audit report generated.
- manage the reception of the remediation plans for the identified findings.
- document in a specific control file the detail of the total findings detected during the audits.
- follow up on the remediation plans proposed by the process owners.
- manage the evidence provided by the process owners.
- check that the evidence provided by the process owners meets the necessary requirements to mitigate the observed risks.
- identify if the evidence and/or information sent by the process owners supports the status of the remediation plan.
*previous work experience*:
minimum 3 years of experience in internal control or internal or external auditing, performing risk assessment, documentation, management and analysis of irregularities as well as handling interviews.
- certified internal auditor (cia)
- certified fraud examiner (cfe)
- other certifications from the institute of internal auditors
*other knowledge, skills and abilities*
*language*:english 850 pts toeic advanced
*travel %*:75 to usa, aguascalientes, toluca and cuernavaca
*must have*: working knowledge of microsoft office suite and project management software to produce reports and conduct analysis.
*nice to have*:knowledge of sharepoint, idea, acl and microsoft access software.
- skills in collecting and analyzing complex data and drawing logical conclusions.
good understanding and knowledge of audit procedures, including work paper preparation and review techniques.
excellent oral and written skills.
- be methodological and oriented to problem solving, analytical, negotiating, proactive, organized, outgoing, and planning.
*nissan (nmex,nedm, nrfs, nrfm y anzen) realiza contrataciones con base al cumplimiento del perfil de puesto en la vacante, sin distinción (ni discriminación por género, identidad y/o expresión de género, orientación sexual, ) raza, color, idioma, religión, opinión política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, nacimiento o cualquier otra condición.
*nissan (nmex, nrfs, nrfm and anzen) hires based on the fulfillment of the job profile in the vacancy, without distinction or discrimination based on gender, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, race, color, language, religion, political or any other opinion, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition.
aguascalientes aguascalientes mexico