coordinate and implement business and sales strategies that allow meeting and/or exceeding the goals set for the region in new customer acquisition, growth in customer acquisition, placement of financial products, profitability, and proper management of the customer portfolio assigned to its executives, planning, directing and managing the human and material resources under his responsibility, guaranteeing a level of customer service based on the global standards set for hsbc premier & advance and ensuring that the resources under his charge comply with regulations and adhere to defined policies by hsbc.
- direct and supervise the premier & advance managers, premier & advance account executives, equity bankers and support bankers under their charge in constant coordination with the regional directors and wpb distribution assistant directors.
- establish and execute commercial strategies that allow increasing the capture of resources (deposits and investments) and the number of new clients of the abc+ segment and in adherence to regulations.
- based on the regional goal, ensure that customer acquisition is proportional to both the "upgrade" of current bank customers and new customers to the bank.
- advice and supervision of the sales force in charge to ensure the correct offer based on the needs and investor profile of the client, with the objective of establishing a long-term business relationship and that said offer can be adapted to the life cycle.
of the client, ensuring that the sales approach is a comprehensive value proposition to the client and not from a product point of view.
- develop the business by coordinating cross-selling with other hsbc products and segments (insurance, cib/cmb, pcs, gbm, payroll, mortgage, business banking, etc.)
- adequate administration of customer knowledge, optimal portfolio management for the client portfolios of each patrimonial banker.
knowledge and management of the equity product portfolio
- bachelor's degree in economic-administrative field or engineering, (master's degree desirable).
- management of client portfolios in the financial sector.
- more than 10 years of experience in the financial sector.
- experience in customer service and service.
- amib 3 certification.
advanced skills:
- highly developed communication skills
- highly developed negotiation skills
- adaptability to change
- advanced ability in controls and effective decision making
intermediate skills:
- english language proficiency
- strategic vision
- teamwork and focus on results.
- leadership, motivational skills and group management
en hsbc nos encontramos orientados a garantizar la igualdad de género y capacitación constante hacia nuestros empleados, así como a la protección de sus derechos laborarles y sociales.
en hsbc ofrecemos a nuestros colegas un mayor número de días para que puedan disfrutar al máximo su boda, cuidar al nuevo integrante de la familia, o vivir el duelo por la pérdida de algún familiar.nuestro paquete de permisos con goce de sueldo *está a la vanguardia en méxico.
*ahora tienes una* razón más para ser hsbc y vivir con orgullo una cultura de bienestar integral, balance y auto cuidado".